Friday, February 26, 2010

Rock the Boat

I'm reminiscing a little today. Back in Dec 08 - Jan 09 I was cavorting in New Zealand, enjoying the sunshine and spending time with my friends and family. One of my favourite getaways was an overnight trip on Rock the Boat out of Paihia. I loved it so much, that I decided to share the experience with my friends Meagen & Allan and got them vouchers for the same getaway as an engagement present.

I just got a text from Meag saying they were driving up to Paihia now, and they were going to have fun in the sun and enjoy the warmth (at 24 degrees and it was not yet mid morning) before they board the boat this afternoon.

Here are some picture from Rock the Boat - an old car ferry they've converted for overnight trips - great staff and super fun activities... you can check out more on them here:

I'm hoping Al & Meag take lots of photos - here is just a taste of what I got up to when I went.

Target shooting off the back of the boat to win beer! 

Fishing off the back of the boat for fish to add to our bbq dinner

Getting ready to sample fresh sea urchin

The paradise they took us to for kayaking, snorkeling and a picnic lunch on the second day


  1. We did have an amazing time!!!! Thank you so much!!!! It was just beautiful, especially the kayaking and swimming at midnight. We had a full moon and clear skies so the stars went on for ever. It's an amazing experience for us to have, especially with us moving over to Canada soon. You are the best maid of honour ever! Sweet As!

  2. yay! I expect a full blow by blow along with pictures! can't wait to hear all about the trip and the cool peeps you must have met.
