Friday, February 12, 2010


This week has disappeared waaay too quickly! I'm battling a cold and worn out from work, so it'll just be the highlights (and lowlights)...

Paid an emergency visit to the optometrist on Monday and was diagnosed with an eye infection. First one ever, which isn't bad for a 14 year history of contact wear. No biggie in the long run, but I am taking eye drops 4x a day and have to go without contacts and eye makeup for a week.

The performance of Moulin Rouge was outstanding! Love love love how the Royal Winnipeg Ballet make it all look so effortless, entertaining and enthralling! Mom & I had a great sushi dinner before the show, and met up with friends in the theatre. The costumes were gorgeous, the story was beautifully done and it was a fabulous night overall. The only downer - the little girl sitting behind us who was constantly scratching at her tights, and sucking a lollipop very loudly. Ah well - can't always have it all.

Mom & I, excited for the ballet to begin!
I've since been pulling 10 - 12 hour days at work, but it's all been worth it. Will go in tomorrow for some more OT - have a project to finish up. But oh, it will feel so good to have it completed!

Tomorrow is also date night with dad. I bought him tickets to see Colin James for Christmas, and the show is almost upon us. I'm excited because I was able to get loge seats, which mean front row of the balcony. Should be ideal for dancing. :)

Did you all watch the Olympic open ceremonies tonight? Was kinda bummed by Nelly & Bryan's performance - thought it was lacking something.But then I was blown away by kd lang's rendition of Hallelulah - outstanding!

I loved Sarah's part of the cultural section, as well as the fiddlers (and Ashley MacIssac!) but could have done without all the foliage in that part. And the beat poet? What a surprise! I actually thought "oh no" when they announced that was what was next, but I loved his performance.

The picks for people to carry in the Olympic flag and do the final torch lighting were also very emotional. Talk about having a moment of being proud to be Canadian!  Any highlights I missed?

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